Posted by: T4M | April 6, 2015

The Fabers’ London Adventure

We’ve had a visitor at the Faber Manor! Aunt Sharon (‘Auntie Sharon’ according to the British) has come from Canada. Her fortune teller told her she would go to England, so she booked tickets to come see us. First on the docket was taking her to London (her fortune teller also told her she was going to marry a pilot, so London was a good place to start looking.)


“Well, he’s not in the toilets.”


Before setting out to London, we stopped for provisions at the market. We visited Sarah’s ‘Egg Man’, who was selling many spherical wonders: Quail, Goose, and even CHICKEN eggs! Will the wonders never cease? After a hearty breakfast of scones, we hopped the train. We took note that the Emirates arena shows the arses of Arsenal.

THAT'S why they make the big bucks.

THAT’S why they make the big bucks.

Sharon mastered the tube, and we went to Fortnum and Mason, where the Queen Mum had been known to do her shopping. Unfortunately, this is reflected in their prices, so we left empty handed, but with full hearts. We popped by the palace to tell off the royals (“How dare you drive up the prices at Fortnum and Mason!?”) But they wouldn’t let us in. Stupid gun-toting guards. We instead shouted at a black swan in the park.



We saw Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap, and Adam got it right without Googling whodunit beforehand. ADAM WAS RIGHT, WORLD. YOU HEAR ME!?

Inexplicably, there was a massive pillow fight happening outside the National Portrait Gallery. I asked someone why there was a massive pillow fight, and they could only tell me “It’s national pillow fight day”. We took the tube a few more times, and took the obligatory tourist pictures, then headed home.



More to come on Sharon’s trip later this week!


  1. bahhh! “pooped by the palace” that’ll teach them to be too pricey.

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